
Name:Sorted descending Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes:
String text 80     M
German (de) text 80      
French (fr) text 80      
English (en) text 80      

This is a simple lexicon to define the format of LEXICON meta data. To add more rows to the table, first copy the topic to another web. Make sure it still is called "LexiconForm". Then add more rows to the table for each required target language that you want to specify translations for.

Make sure you use one of the known language names including their language code in the following format:

| Bulgarian (bg) | text | 80 | | | |
| Chinese (zh-cn) | text | 80 | | | |
| Chinese (zh-tw) | text | 80 | | | |
| Czech (cs) | text | 80 | | | |
| Danish (da) | text | 80 | | | |
| Dutch (nl) | text | 80 | | | |
| English (en) | text | 80 | | | |
| Finnish (fi) | text | 80 | | | |
| French (fr) | text | 80 | | | |
| German (de) | text | 80 | | | |
| Italian (it) | text | 80 | | | |
| Japanese (ja) | text | 80 | | | |
| Korean (ko) | text | 80 | | | |
| Norwegian (no) | text | 80 | | | |
| Polish (pl) | text | 80 | | | |
| Portuguese (pt-br) | text | 80 | | | |
| Portuguese (pt) | text | 80 | | | |
| Russian (ru) | text | 80 | | | |
| Spanish (es) | text | 80 | | | |
| Swedish (sv) | text | 80 | | | |
| Turkish (tr) | text | 80 | | | |
| Ukrainian (uk) | text | 80 | | | |
Topic revision: r1 - 19 Jul 2017, ProjectContributor
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