All modifications can be done through your Web browser, and they don't take more then in a couple of minutes. No system administration expertise is required.
This may spark your imagination to really customize your site so that it's optimal for your users.* Set WIKILOGOIMG = %PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/ProjectLogos/foswiki-logo.pngAssuming you have called your logo
, change this line to:
* Set WIKILOGOIMG = %PUBURL%/%USERSWEB%/SitePreferences/mycologo.png(If the WIKILOGOIMG line is missing from the file, just add it)
By changing the WIKILOGOALT and WIKILOGOURL you can change the default alt-text and target of the link behind the image as well.
PatternSkinCustomization has a whole lot more on customising how your site looks, while still using the standard skin.Web color codes are used to provide a visual reference for each web, so users can quickly tell where they are. Incredibly obvious, maybe, but some site admins don't get around to changing the default web colors right off, whether they like them or not. Simply changing the defaults will make a huge difference in the overall look.
What we are doing We want to set the preference WEBBGCOLOR in topic WebPreferences to one of the StandardColors. WebPreferences is, as you can guess, a topic which holds all kind of preference settings for each Web{*}. Each web has its own WebPreferences, and you can set them differently for each web. How to do itIt's just as easy to refine later on, so you're not locked in, just looking better.
Icons can do a lot to enhance scannability of topics. For example,
there's a warning here DocumentGraphics has a whole collection of ready-to-use icon images. You can use these images in any topic by referring to their name. For example, DocumentGraphics has an image attachment calleddays.gif
. To show this image in a topic, write %ICON{"days"}%
to get .
Creating image macros
You can create your own image macros by defining them in a preference topic (usually SitePreferences). Image macro names are usually one letter, like Y
, but may be longer like HELP
For instance, if we want to write %DOWN%
to get the image, define the new macro like this:
* Set DOWN = %ICON{"arrowbdown"}%If you have your own custom image that you want to use, attach it to SitePreferences and write:
* Set DOWN = <img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/SitePreferences/my_image.gif" border="0" alt="DOWN" width="16" height="16" />There are other approaches for creating more extensive icon libraries. This is a simply and quick way to get started. See DocumentGraphics for more info. Most images in DocumentGraphics are 16 x 16 pixels.
, see EditingShorthand).
For example, the table of contents at the top of this page was generated
using a TOC macro.
*Here's a list of topics I've been involved in recently:* ---++++ Project Web %SEARCH{ "%TOPIC%" web="Project" scope="text" nonoise="on" order="modified" reverse="on" limit="20" }%Read the SEARCH documentation for more about SEARCH.
%SEARCH{ "1" type="query" nonoise="on" order="modified" reverse="on" limit="15" header="| *Topic* | *User* | *Date* |" format="| [[$web.$topic][$topic]] | $wikiusername | $date |" }%
on the line _above the setting, and -→
on the line below.Normal Users | |
PreferenceSettings | Customise preferences |
Macros | Use macros to create and format reports, and customise each page |
TemplateTopics | Use topic and form templates to create new topics |
Administrators | | | Set basic system options |
InstalledPlugins | Install new plugins, skins and other extensions from |
PatternSkinCustomization | Customising the standard skin |
Developers | |
Plugins | Write your own plug-in perl code | | Where Foswiki development is coordinated and documented |