
A plugin wrapper around the KinoSearchContrib

Allows embedding a KinoSearch in any page with a custom format it will automatically update the index when saving, renaming or adding an attachment.

It can take a long time to update when dealing with large attachments

This Plugin also adds restHandlers to index, update and search the index.



If the KinoSearchPlugin is enabled, you will be able to use the KINOSEARCH tag to search indexed topics and attachments:
  • %KINOSEARCH{'Search String' format='Formatting string'}%

format takes the following variables to place content.
  • $icon - An icon to display filetype when showing attachments
  • $match - The name of the page being displayed
  • $locked - Show if a page is locked
  • $texthead - Summary text

For more informatin see KinoSearchPlugin.

Rest Handler Usage (the rest handlers require that you are logged in)

These restHandlers can be called from the browser, or from the command line (best done as the user that the web server is run as to make sure permissions are ok) - and thus from cron.

create Index

update Index

search Index

Note: the search rest handler will only be executed if you are authenticated. Currently it is probably better to use the kinosearch script with included with KinoSearchContrib.

| Help

Update on Save

You can also optionally use the plugin's updateHandlers to automatically update the index whenever a topic is modified (or an attachment uploaded) by setting {KinoSearchPlugin}{EnableOnSaveUpdates} to true in the Extensions section of configure.

Warning this can cause topic saves and attachments to become unacceptably slow, as the index update happens before the browser operation has completed.

Plugin Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. Use "Find More Extensions" to get a list of available extensions. Select "Install".

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See for more help.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.DavidGuest and Foswikii:Main.SvenDowideit
Copyright: © 2007, TWiki:Main.DavidGuest; © 2009, Foswiki Contributors
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Release: 1.4
Version: 5140 (2009-09-24)
Change History:  
24 Sep 2009: Version 1.4, Extracted out of Foswiki:Extensions/KinoSearchContrib -- Foswiki:Main.AndrewJones
24 Mar 2009: Version 1.3, port to Foswiki -- Foswiki:Main.WillNorris
20 Aug 2008: Version 1.2, brought Plugin into SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn package, and svn, and added restHandlers for indexing & searching - Foswiki:Main.SvenDowideit
09 Apr 2008: Version 1.1, Added auto index updater code
07 Apr 2008: Initial version
Plugin Home:

This topic: System > Category > AdminDocumentationCategory > Plugins > KinoSearchPlugin
Topic revision: 11 Jan 2018, AdminUser
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