

This is an integration of the fast and highly functional TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. It supports a wide range of browsers, including Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome (see compatibility chart). At the time of writing it doesn't work with Konqueror.

The integration uses the Foswiki:Extensions.WysiwygPlugin to translate text to and from a format that TinyMCE can edit.

This plugin is able to swap out standard text areas and replace them with WYSIWYG editors. This means you get WYSIWYG editors for textareas in forms, as well as for the main text of the topic. It can also co-exist alongside other WYSIWYG editors.

The editor automatically "switches itself off" (i.e. reverts to the old text-only window) when editing topics that contain Foswiki content it can't handle, such as complex macros.

Editor Notes

The editor uses a translator module to convert from Foswiki Topic Markup Language (TML) to HTML and back. The translator converts special macros - such as %MACROS% - to plain text, and encloses them within HTML spans using a special style called WYSIWYG_PROTECTED. In this way the editor can detect text that is not meant to be HTML formatted. This style is also used to protect special text you enter into the editor from being interpreted when the topic is translated back into TML. If you want to add any special features that are sensitive to formatting, such as Set statements, then you should format those regions using 'Protect on save' or 'Protect forever'.

Installation Instructions

  • This plugin comes pre-installed on Foswiki. You should only need to re-install if there is an upgrade to the plugin.
  • It requires the very latest revision of WysiwygPlugin
  • When installed, it replaces the old "textarea" editor. You may still access the plaintext editor with the "Wiki Text" button provided in the toolbar, however this does not necessarily give you the original raw/wiki text version of the topic content. To bypass the TML to HTML conversion process entirely, use the Edit wiki text link provided by the default Foswiki skin at the bottom of the page.

First follow the installation instructions to install the Plugin:

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. "Extensions Operation and Maintenance" Tab → "Install, Update or Remove extensions" Tab. Click the "Search for Extensions" button. Enter part of the extension name or description and press search. Select the desired extension(s) and click install. If an extension is already installed, it will not show up in the search results.

You can also install from the shell by running the extension installer as the web server user: (Be sure to run as the webserver user, not as root!)
cd /path/to/foswiki
perl tools/extension_installer <NameOfExtension> install

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See https://foswiki.org/Support/ManuallyInstallingExtensions for more help.


The default configuration of TinyMCEPlugin should prove sufficient for most users. The TinyMCE editor itself is customised through a Javascript object holding a substantial number of initialisation parameters. In previous versions of TinyMCEPlugin, a text string making up the Javascript object was held in an ordinary Foswiki preference variable TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT which should be removed and replaced with TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC (described below) in most circumstances.


To make configuration easier and less error-prone, configuration is held in a topic section. The name of the topic is set in the preference variable TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC, from which the section named TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT is used. TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC is currently set to %=TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC%.

For a full explanation and guidance on configuration of available TinyMCE options, see the Moxicode TinyMCE Wiki.

Below is the default configuration. If it is to be modified, it should be copied (including %START/ENDSECTION{}% macros) to a different topic to avoid customisations being overwritten when TinyMCEPlugin is upgraded.


"mode" : "textareas",
"editor_selector" : "foswikiWysiwygEdit",
"save_on_tinymce_forms" : true,
"table_default_cellpadding" : 0,
"table_default_cellspacing" : 1,
"table_default_border" : 1,
"theme" : "advanced",
"convert_urls" : true,
"relative_urls" : false,
"remove_script_host" : false,
"dialog_type" : "modal",
"extended_valid_elements" : "li[type],a[rel|rev|charset|hreflang|tabindex|accesskey|type|name|href|target|title|class|onfocus|onblur|data*]",
"setupcontent_callback" : "FoswikiTiny.setUpContent",
"urlconverter_callback" : "FoswikiTiny.convertLink",
"foswikipuburl_callback" : "FoswikiTiny.convertPubURL",
"save_callback" : "FoswikiTiny.saveCallback",%IF{
\"debug\" : true,"
"plugins" : "%IF{
    else="%STARTSECTION{"MCEPLUGINS"}%contextmenu, table, searchreplace, autosave, paste, legacyoutput, inlinepopups, fullscreen, -foswiki, -foswikibuttons, -foswikiimage%ENDSECTION{"MCEPLUGINS"}%"
"foswiki_plugin_urls" : {
    "foswiki" : "%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TinyMCEPlugin/plugins/foswiki/editor_plugin.js",
    "foswikibuttons" : "%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TinyMCEPlugin/plugins/foswikibuttons/editor_plugin.js",
    "foswikiimage" : "%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TinyMCEPlugin/plugins/foswikiimage/editor_plugin.js" },
"foswiki_secret_id" : "%WYSIWYG_SECRET_ID%",
"foswiki_vars" : {
    "PUBURL" : "%PUBURL%",
    "WEB" : "%BASEWEB%",
    "TOPIC" : "%BASETOPIC%",
"theme_advanced_toolbar_align" : "left",
"foswikibuttons_formats" : {
    /* Use 'attributes : { class : "foo" }' instead of 'classes: "foo"'
     * because this is how it's done in the default advanced theme shipped
     * with TinyMCE which seems to be a few ms faster on cursor movement
    "Normal" : { "remove" : "all" },
    "Heading 1" : { "block" : "h1",  "remove" : "all" },
    "Heading 2" : { "block" : "h2",  "remove" : "all" },
    "Heading 3" : { "block" : "h3",  "remove" : "all" },
    "Heading 4" : { "block" : "h4",  "remove" : "all" },
    "Heading 5" : { "block" : "h5",  "remove" : "all" },
    "Heading 6" : { "block" : "h6",  "remove" : "all" },
    "VERBATIM"  : { "block" : "pre", "remove" : "all", "attributes" : { "class" : "TMLverbatim" } }, 
    "LITERAL"   : { "block" : "div", "remove" : "all", "attributes" : { "class" : "WYSIWYG_LITERAL" } },
    "Protect on save" : { "block" : "div", "remove" : "all", "attributes" : { "class" : "WYSIWYG_PROTECTED" } },
    "Protect forever" : { "block" : "div", "remove" : "all", "attributes" : { "class" : "WYSIWYG_STICKY" } }
"foswikibuttons_cursoridletime" : 250,
"paste_create_paragraphs" : true,
"paste_create_linebreaks" : false,
"paste_convert_middot_lists" : true,
"paste_convert_headers_to_strong" : false,
"paste_remove_spans" : true,
"paste_remove_styles" : true,
"paste_strip_class_attributes" : "all",
"theme_advanced_buttons1" : "%IF{
    else="%STARTSECTION{"BUTTONS1"}%foswikiformat, separator, bold, italic, tt, colour, removeformat, separator, bullist, numlist, %IF{"context SUPPORTS_PARA_INDENT" then="fwexdent, fwindent" else="outdent, indent"}%, blockquote, separator, link, unlink, anchor, separator, undo, redo, separator, search, replace%ENDSECTION{"BUTTONS1"}%"
"theme_advanced_buttons2" : "%IF{
    else="%STARTSECTION{"BUTTONS2"}%tablecontrols, separator, attach, image, charmap, hr, separator, restoredraft, fullscreen, code, hide%ENDSECTION{"BUTTONS2"}%"
"theme_advanced_buttons3" : "%IF{
"autosave_interval" : "%IF{
"autosave_retention" : "%IF{
"entity_encoding" : "%IF{
"theme_advanced_toolbar_location" : "top",
"theme_advanced_resize_horizontal" : false,
"theme_advanced_resizing" : true,
"theme_advanced_path" : false,
"theme_advanced_statusbar_location" : "none",
"skin" : "%IF{
    then="\"skin_variant\" : \"%TINYMCEPLUGIN_MCESKIN_VARIANT%\",$n"
      then="\\"skin_variant\\" : \\"%STARTSECTION{"MCESKIN_VARIANT"}%silver%ENDSECTION{"MCESKIN_VARIANT"}%\\",$dollarn"
}%"keep_styles" : false,
"content_css" : "%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TinyMCEPlugin/wysiwyg.css,%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SkinTemplates/base.css,%FOSWIKI_STYLE_URL%,%FOSWIKI_COLORS_URL%"

  • Create Main.TinyMCEPlugin, copying the text above
  • Update the TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC variable to point to the newly created topic, Eg. in SitePreferences or any WebPreferences:


Variable Default Description
TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT - A string holding the TinyMCE initialisation object. If set, TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC is ignored
TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC TinyMCEPlugin The fully qualified Web.Topic containing a section named INIT which holds the TinyMCE initialisation parameters
TINYMCEPLUGIN_MCEPLUGINS contextmenu, table, searchreplace, autosave, paste, legacyoutput, inlinepopups, fullscreen, -foswiki, -foswikibuttons, -foswikiimage Comma separated list of TinyMCE plugins to initialise
TINYMCEPLUGIN_ADDITIONAL_MCEPLUGINS Comma separated list of additional TinyMCE plugins to initialise.
TINYMCEPLUGIN_BUTTONS1 foswikiformat, separator, bold, italic, tt, colour, removeformat, separator, bullist, numlist, fwexdent, fwindent, blockquote, separator, link, unlink, anchor, separator, undo, redo, separator, search, replace Comma separated list of toolbar buttons (in order) for the first, second and third rows (of buttons)
TINYMCEPLUGIN_BUTTONS2 tablecontrols, separator, attach, image, charmap, hr, separator, restoredraft, fullscreen, code, hide
Comma separated list of toolbar buttons (in order) to be appended to the end of a button row
TINYMCEPLUGIN_AUTOSAVE_RETENTION 4320m Autosave drafts stored in the web browser are expired after this length of time (minutes or seconds). See autosave plugin notes
TINYMCEPLUGIN_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL 180s Frequency (in minutes or seconds) that the autosave plugin updates the draft stored in the web browser
TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_browser See Browser Specific Settings below Add extra parameters to TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT string for a specific _browser
TINYMCEPLUGIN_DISABLE 0 If set to 1, disables TinyMCEPlugin. Please use NOWYSIWYG instead
NOWYSIWYG 0 If this global setting is set to 1, TinyMCEPlugin (and all other WYSIWYG editors) will be disabled.
TINYMCEPLUGIN_BAD_BROWSERS (?i-xsm:Konqueror) A regular expression that matches the user-agent string of any browser for which TinyMCE should not be loaded.
TINYMCEPLUGIN_DEBUG 0 If set to 1, the uncompressed version of TinyMCE Javascript and CSS sources will be loaded by the browser. Useful for debugging.
TINYMCEPLUGIN_ENTITY_ENCODING numeric Controls how entities/characters get processed by TinyMCE. Allowed values: named, numeric, raw
TINYMCEPLUGIN_MCESKIN o2k7 The TinyMCE skin to use. Possible values: default, highcontrast, o2k7
TINYMCEPLUGIN_MCESKIN_VARIANT silver A TinyMCE skin may have variants. o2k7 skin has silver and black variants.

Browser Specific Settings

Additional options may be set for specific browsers. You can define extra options for MSIE, OPERA, GECKO, UNKNOWN and SAFARI. For example,
   * Set TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_MSIE = "paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste" : false 
The defaults are:
    MSIE => '',
    OPERA => '',
    GECKO => '"gecko_spellcheck" : true',
    SAFARI => '',
    CHROME => '',
    UNKNOWN => '',

TinyMCE Plugins & Toolbar Buttons

Documentation for standard plugins shipped with TinyMCE can be found at http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins.

Documentation for standard theme_advanced toolbar buttons (Eg. superscript/subscript, strikethrough, highlight colours etc) can be found at http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Control_reference.

Default Plugins

These plugins are enabled by default in the standard distribution of Foswiki.

Plugin Name Toolbar buttons Description Notes
autosave restoredraft Saves the editor content to your web browser's local storage periodically so that it may be restored later See TINYMCEPLUGIN_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL and defaults to 180s; TINYMCEPLUGIN_AUTOSAVE_RETENTION defaults to 4320m
contextmenu   Provides context (right-click) menu capability Allows the table plugin to offer copy & paste of rows & columns  
foswiki - Fixup TinyMCE bugs, Foswiki integration issues init param foswiki_autosave_no_fixup prevents fixup of autosave plugin if true; only works if foswiki is after autosave in the plugins list
foswikibuttons tt, colour, attach, hide Provides toolbar buttons, dialogues and formatting styles for Foswiki List of formats populated from foswikibuttons_formats init param; ms of cursor idle time required before update of toolbar buttons/format state is set from foswikibuttons_cursoridletime param
foswikiimage image Provides image toolbar button, dialogue for Foswiki  
fullscreen fullscreen Provides fullscreen capability  
legacyoutput   Maintains compatibility for <font>, <u>, <b>, <strike> etc. tags  
paste pastetext, pasteword, selectall "Cleans" content pasted from clipboard; useful when pasting from MS Office  
searchreplace search, replace Refer to TinyMCE documentation  
table tablecontrols, others Refer to TinyMCE documentation  

Additional Plugins

To enable extra plugins, set the TINYMCEPLUGIN_ADDITIONAL_MCEPLUGINS variable in your SitePreferences. If the plugin also offers a toolbar button, you will need to add it into the appropriate place in the TINYMCEPLUGIN_ADDITIONAL_BUTTONS* variables.

For example, to make use of the emotions and wordcount plugins add the following to SitePreferences:

---++ TinyMCE customisations

Some notable plugins:
Plugin Name Toolbar buttons Description Notes
autoresize - Automatically resizes the editor to the content inside it  
emotions emotions Insert smiley images into the TinyMCE editable area  
iespell iespell Provides spell check for Internet Explorers  
insertdatetime insertdate, inserttime Provides buttons to insert customised date and time strings  
media media Handles embedded media such as QuickTime, Flash, ShockWave, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player Requires customisation of edit templates
spellchecker spellchecker Adds spellchecker functionality to TinyMCE by providing a new button that performs a AJAX call to a backend PHP page that uses PSpell/ASpell or Google spellchecker  
style styleprops Adds CSS style editing support to TinyMCE, this will enable you to edit almost any CSS style property in a visual way. Generally, HTML/CSS markup in topics is not desirable
visualchars visualchars Adds the possibility to see invisible characters like &nbsp;  
wordcount - Display the number of words down in the right corner of the editor.  
xhtmlxtras cite, ins, del, abbr, acronym Adds support for some XHTML elements, including cite, ins, del, abbr, and acronym. Generally, XHTML markup in topics is not desirable. Foswiki plugins exist to provide similar functions with more friendly TML markup

Frequently Asked Questions

The topic TinyMCEFrequentlyAskedQuestions contains more help with things like: "How do I configure the buttons in my skin?", "How do I disable the WYSIWYG?" etc.

WysiwygPlugin Settings

See WysiwygPluginSettings for more information

Upgrading from TinyMCEPlugin versions prior to 05 Mar 2010 release

The TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT string needs to be built differently, due to the API change affecting the way custom formats are applied in TinyMCE 3.3.x since 3.2.x

If a customised TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT string is in use, it should be re-built based on the content of this documentation. The customisations should be reviewed to determine if they are still necessary.

Known Issues of TinyMCEPlugin

  • Foswikitask:Item8475 - Foswiki introduces errant spaces into table cells
  • Foswikitask:Item8582 - X11 environments: TinyMCEPlugin editor copies current topic onto the "Primary Selection"
  • Foswikitask:Item8712 - Outdenting list items in Firefox soemtimes does not work correctly
    • Description: The list symbol (number, bullet, etc) sometimes disappears from the item after being outdented. When this happens, it is also not possible to outdent the item another level.
    • Work-around: Position the cursor to the beginning of the line (where the symbol should appear) and press the enter key. The symbol should be restored and another outdent will be possible.
  • Foswikitask:Item9198 - After inserting new table at top of document: unable to position cursor above
    • Work-around: Use 'Save and continue' or switch to TML editing and back to WYSIWYG again to allow WysiwygPlugin to add an empty <p/> above the table
  • Foswikitask:Item8085 - International characters (example, Š) are converted to HTML entities (IE. &Scaron; or &#352;)
    • Ensure you are using the latest version of WysiwygPlugin.
    • Work-around: Try changing the TINYMCEPLUGIN_ENTITY_ENCODING setting to raw. It's possible this may cause problems on older browsers.

Known Issues of WysiwygPlugin (partial list)

For the full list, consult WysiwygPlugin documentation

  • Foswikitask:Item1396 - Anchors are not handled by WysiwygPlugin
  • Foswikitask:Item5955 - WysiwygPlugin fails to roundtrip tables with align="center", border attributes, etc.
    • Description: Sometimes tables will fail to be converted to TML syntax (will stay as HTML) because there are attributes on the table (such as alignment or border decorations) that WysiwygPlugin does not know how to preserve. If such attributes are necessary, please use VarTABLE instead.
    • Work-around:
      • Click inside the offending table
      • Click the table toolbar button (usually used to create a new table)
      • With the exception of Cols and Rows, delete/reset all content from the fields on the 'General' and 'Advanced' tabs.
      • Write a VarTABLE macro above the offending table that adds the desired attributes safely

Check regularly at Foswiki:Extensions.TinyMCEPlugin for updates.

© 2007-2010 Crawford Currie http://c-dot.co.uk, © 2010-2017 Foswiki Contributors

This package also includes the complete sources for version 3.5.7 of the TinyMCE editor which is covered by its own license.

Change History

25 Jan 2017: Foswikitask:Item14305: eliminate sporadic alert() by tinymce initializer
1.30 Foswikitask:Item12181: Upgrade to TinyMCE 3.5.11
21 Dec 2012 (TBD) Foswikitask:Item12278: Changing a wikiword should not require visiting the TinyMCE link dialog. Changes TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT settings
29 Oct 2012 (TBD) Foswikitask:Item12201: Add missing syntax highlighting classes, and make menus more user friendly.
1.2.9 Foswikitask:Item12181: Upgrade to TinyMCE 3.5.7
1.2.8 Foswikitask:Item8032: enable Foswiki:Extensions.WysiwygFormfieldsPlugin
1.2.7 Foswikitask:Item11802: Upgrade to TinyMCE 3.4.9
Foswikitaks:Item11722: Add watermark for hidden blocks
Foswikitask:Item9662: Set initial table defaults consistent with Foswiki defaults
23 Mar 2012 (1.2.6) Foswikitask:Item11378: Strike-out <del>, <s> tags are lost in WYSIWYG transition
Foswikitask:Item11367: Add Javascript callbacks to get notified after editor changes to/from Raw or WYSIWYG mode.
Foswikitask:Item11368: Allow templates to control WYSIWYG button placement.
Foswikitask:Item11369: "Please wait… retrieving page from server" looks too much like an error. Change to "Loading" JS Animation
Foswikitask:Item11146: Cannot edit on IE8.
22 Dec 2011 (1.2.5) Foswikitask:Item11382: Fix JS autosave error in IE7 when editing topics in nested webs
19 Dec 2011 (1.2.4) Foswikitask:Item2516: Added support for indented plain paragraphs. NOTE: requires an update to TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT, if you have customised it.
22 Nov 2011 (1.2.3) Foswikitask:Item11272: Remove bogus dependency on BehaviourContrib
08 Nov 2011 (1.2.2) Foswikitask:Item10724: Update to TinyMCE 3.4.7.
24 Sep 2011 (1.2.1) Foswikitask:Item10724: Testing release of TinyMCE 3.4.6.
Foswikitask:Item8981: Fixed in TinyMCE 3.4 (copy and paste list items)
20 Aug 2011 (1.2.0) Foswikitask:Item10724: Testing release of TinyMCE 3.4.4
05 Dec 2011 (1.1.12) Foswikitask:Item10288: Prevent save if in fullscreen mode. Other minor code cleanup.
22 Nov 2011 (1.1.11) Foswikitask:Item11272: Remove bogus dependency on BehaviourContrib
10 May 2011 (1.1.10) Foswikitask:Item10724: Revert back to TinyMCE; caused JS errors in IE8
09 May 2011 (1.1.9) Foswikitask:Item10724: Update to TinyMCE
11 Apr 2011 (1.1.8) Version released with Foswiki 1.1.3. Only a minor change related to how the plugin is being upgraded
19 Jan 2011 (1.1.7) Foswikitask:Item10271: Update to TinyMCE and switch to using x.y.z version numbering
Foswikitask:Item9973: Fix problem where topic names with international characters prevented attach dialogue working correctly
Foswikitask:Item8085: Added TINYMCEPLUGIN_ENTITY_ENCODING setting; default to numeric
Foswikitask:Item2174: JS fix for deleting encoded-TML-whitespace on Firefox
04 Nov 2010 Foswikitask:Item9706: Upgrade to TinyMCE
Foswikitask:Item9953: Fix JS error transitioning to WikiText from fullscreen
Foswikitask:Item9952: Fix bold & italics buttons not activating on already bolded/italicised text properly
Foswikitask:Item9960: Fix JS error switching tabs on the attach dialogue
25 Oct 2010 Foswikitask:Item9870: Fix JS error on Internet Explorers
28 Sep 2010 Foswikitask:Item9236: Enable contextmenu TinyMCE plugin, allows table row/column copy & paste
Foswikitask:Item9263: Fix autosave breaking on IECollections' IE6
Foswikitask:Item9424: Use non-jQuery build to avoid IE8 resizing quirks on jquery-1.3.2
Foswikitask:Item9427: Only update button state if cursor has been idle > 300ms, improves cursor movement responsiveness in >250KiB documents on IE/slow PCs
Foswikitask:Item9415: Documentation updates
Foswikitask:Item9570: Make table text larger, to be the same size as normal paragraph text
Foswikitask:Item9577: Apply background to protected and literal text (similar to verbatim), so that it is easier to see these special regions
01 Jul 2010 Foswikitask:Item9221: Fix colour formatting problem and JS error transitioning to fullscreen
Foswikitask:Item9222: Fix autosave implementation compatibility with Foswiki 1.0.x JQueryPlugin
Foswikitask:Item9234: Upgrade to TinyMCE 3.3.8
28 Jun 2010 Foswikitask:Item9155: Fix applying non-heading formats in TinyMCE 3.3
Foswikitask:Item2125: Change attach dialogue button text from 'cancel' to 'close'
Foswikitask:Item1482: Improve attach dialogue usability: auto-refresh attachment list after switching from upload tab; auto-select upload tab if there are zero existing attachments
Foswikitask:Item1378: Fix dialogue window sizes are too small for link, attachments and colour dialogues
Foswikitask:Item9210: Replace TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT in favour of TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_TOPIC sections
Foswikitask:Item9199: Fix misbehaving %AQUA% colour in the colours dialogue; grouped standard colours separate to extended colours
Foswikitask:Item1952: Make autosave plugin functional
Foswikitask:Item1392: Fixed in TinyMCE 3.3: (IE only) Cursor jumps to beginning of document unintendedly
Foswikitask:Item9204: Fixed in TinyMCE 3.3: TinyMCE strips out 'type' arguments when pasting Foswiki macros from MS Word
20 Mar 2010 Foswikitask:Item8930: Change Foswiki integration to use more JQueryPlugin features. Fixes bug where IE6 users with latest NatSkin get: "Unable to install TinyMCE; <META..."
05 Mar 2010 Foswikitask:Item8476: Upgrade to TinyMCE 3.3, Foswiki now uses jQuery version
19 Feb 2010 Foswikitask:Item8566: Fix for sites with latest JQueryPlugin where IE users get: "Unable to install TinyMCE; <META..."
24 Jan 2010 Foswikitask:Item8416: add TINYMCEPLUGIN_ADDITIONAL_MCEPLUGINS and TINYMCEPLUGIN_BUTTONS(123) to allow wiki, web and topic specific plugins to be added SD
29 Dec 2009 Foswikitask:Item2447: Fix unable to apply "Normal" format in some browsers (notes added to System topic)
Foswikitask:Item1462: Block attachments to unsaved AUTOINC topics
25 Nov 2009 Foswikitask:Item2412: Inserting images - fixed a problem where it wasn't easy (impossible unless > 1 attachments) to select the first image in the attachment list; improved layout of dialog window where preview obscures insert/cancel buttons.
09 Nov 2009 Foswikitask:Item2341: Added blockquote button and rearranged toolbars slightly; cleaned up System topic
29 Oct 2009 Foswikitask:Item2245: Updated documentation, removed redundant setting: paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true for MSIE browsers (TinyMCE now defaults to true for all browsers)
21 Oct 2009 Foswikitask:Item1558: TinyMCE project now supports Opera, so remove it from _BAD_BROWSERS
18 Oct 2009 Foswikitask:Item2270: Fix wordcount plugin to show correct count when user first enters edit mode
17 Oct 2009 Foswikitask:Item2245: Upgrade to TinyMCE 3.2.7
20 Sep 2009 Foswikitask:Item2121: Remove 2 MB of developer files that are not used
19 Sep 2009 Foswikitask:Item2037: Fix fullscreen-to-WikiText transition
18 Sep 2009 Foswikitask:Item1798: Fixed a problem where editor wants to put text elements into blocks causing unwanted new lines.
Foswikitask:Item1341: Fixed a problem so that editor does not convert TML lettered and roman numeral lists back to numbered lists.
03 Jul 2009 Foswikitask:Item8178: Check that the help elements are present before hiding or showing them, as they are not present in all skins.
06 Jun 2009 Foswikitask:Item5628: Make browser reload the javascript when this plugin is upgraded (Michael Tempest, Colas Nahaboo) Foswikitask:Item1529: Disable "Wiki text" button until editor has loaded topic text (Michael Tempest)
24 May 2009 Foswikitask:Item1205: add support for global NOWYSIWYG flag Foswikitask:Item1341: keep TML lettered & roman numeral lists (Michael Tempest) Foswikitask:Item1534: fix typewriter text (Michael Tempest) Foswikitask:Item1548: fix data-loss warning when saving from wiki-text (Michael Tempest)
10 Apr 2009 Foswikitask:Item1394: fixed colour handling Foswikitask:Item8108: added safari,inlinepopups,fullscreen plugins, fixed some minor bugs on IE
03 Apr 2009 Foswikitask:Item1383: Optimised the preferences Foswikitask:Item8094: fixed the pickaxe
15 Mar 2009 Foswikitask:Item930: Crawford Currie upgraded to Tiny MCE 3.2.2 and recoded all the standard plugins that had to be recoded
21 Jan 2009 Foswikitask:Item833: added SYSTEMWEB to foswiki_vars, simplifying the activation of the foswikilink dialog of Foswiki:Extensions.TinyMCEUsabilityUpgradePlugin (if installed) - Eugen Mayer
06 Dec 2008 Foswikitask:Item5859: removed XHR headers that were banjaxing NTLM - Eugen Mayer
03 Dec 2008 Crawford Currie re-released for the Foswiki project
03 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
04 May 2008 TWikibug:Item5547: Change mechanism by which TMCE recognises textareas to camp on. Use class instead of element name.
12 Apr 2008 TWikibug:Item4946: I think I have finally fixed non-iso-8859-1 character sets. Painful.
31 Mar 2008 TWikibug:Item5314: TWikibug:Item5457: Fixed pickaxe mode for editing UTF-8. Characters above 255 are converted to entitites, which is a bit of a PITA, but at least it no longer corrupts topics. NOTE: YOU MUST UPGRADE WysiwygPlugin TO 16600 OR LATER
28 Mar 2008 TWikibug:Item5432: added upper case file extensions for images TWikibug:Item5206: fixed expansion of simple filenames entered in image popup TWikibug:Item5462: fixed hide attachment switch
25 Jan 2008 TWikibug:Item5287: links entered through dialog weren't working
24 Jan 2008 TWikibug:Item4840: TWikibug:Item5138: UTF8 fixes, TWikibug:Item5022: made TT font size same as verbatim. Had to add a new style to do it, as TMCE didn't want to play with TT or CODE tags. TWikibug:Item5138: post-conversion of 8-bit entities to characters to aid searching, TWikibug:Item5254: non-fatal JS error fixed, TWikibug:Item5263: remove preview on WYSIWYG edit, TWikibug:Item5116: added Opera to bad browsers filter
20 Dec 2007 TWikibug:Item5047: disable save and preview during page load TWikibug:Item5111: make the entry in the format menu sensitive to where the cursor is TWikibug:Item5022: made TT font size same as verbatim. Had to add a new style to do it, as TMCE didn't want to play with TT or CODE tags.
19 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4742: auto-disable if Wysiwyg is not enabled TWikibug:Item4820: validate mandatory fields on save TWikibug:Item4747: add <sticky> TWikibug:Item4811: noautolink looks like an HTML construct but in fact is not; the tag is infact an "on-off" switch and does not imply any HTML structure, so cannot be converted to a DIV or a span, so has to be removed. TWikibug:Item4817: added typewriter text button TWikibug:Item4850: added font colour controls TWikibug:Item4645: added attachment management features TWikibug:Item4945: added switch to raw and back
16 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4630: polished up the way the secret string is done, to ensure synch between perl and JS. TWikibug:Item4622: added UTF-8 handling steps that fixup malformed UTF8 strings before presenting them to the editor (saves Moz) and stops the editor passing them back to TWiki (saves IE). TWikibug:Item4603: added the draft help, so we can at least build the beta without the nasty warning
13 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4613 fixed navigate-away prompt when unchanged TWikibug:Item4583 TWikibug:Item4604 TWikibug:Item4614 TWikibug:Item4616 A clutch of issues caused by use of the wrong encoding function when passing UTF8 parameters to REST using XMLHttpRequest.
12 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4604 Converted to REST call for content conversion, to provide safe callback if JS is disabled in the browser TWikibug:Item4583 relaxed regex to try and make it work for UTF-8 topic names
11 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4535 refinements to link handling to improve topic name recognition
07 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4503 excess empty lines TWikibug:Item4486 no toc headers with unofficial syntax TWikibug:Item4560: empty lines lost TWikibug:Item4566: corrupted table on save
06 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4557 added missing files to package
04 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4534 TWikibug:Item4535 fixed
14679 TWikibug:Item4481 TWikibug:Item4524 fixed
14668 Bugfixes and refinements done as part of 4.2 release
14543 Added PROTECTED style, to allow protection of special text. Disable on unsupported browsers (untested)
14538 First release
Foswiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin>=1.2.0Translator module
Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin>=6.00Required JQuery library

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Topic revision: r1 - 25 Jan 2017, ProjectContributor
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